Mon Jul 29
Sayyida Megan Klein Chair WI
Pirate_Joe I’m on my phone so if lose service I am sorry in advance
OGPAF Johann Drolshagen, Webmaster
Bosun Joseph Klein, secretary, WI
Pirate_Joe Joseph Onoroski, Vice Chair, MA
Sayyida ok todays agenda includes elections and touch up on our national status
Bosun Let’s vote!
OGPAF arrrr
Sayyida we are all running for same postions correct?
Bosun Yes
Pirate_Joe Aye
Sayyida ok vote to keep postions
Sayyida all in favor?
Bosun I move we accept the current slate by unanimous decaration.
OGPAF I vote aye
Bosun Yea something like that.
OGPAF second
Pirate_Joe Any objections?
Sayyida none from me
Bosun Make it so
OGPAF set course
Sayyida it passes with unanimous vote
Bosun Next – corporate issues.
Pirate_Joe Is this for a term of one year or 6 months?
Bosun The rest of this term
Sayyida I think 1 year term might be do able
Sayyida what do you guys think?
OGPAF is it the bylaws?
OGPAF the ‘term’
Bosun Well we need to fix up the bylaws and clean up our act.
Sayyida OGPAF, the current election was for a need becuase liz left
Pirate_Joe Since we have no one stepping forward we may as well make it one year.
Sayyida aye
OGPAF sounds good
Bosun If the bylaws don’t have date.
Sayyida to my memory they do not
Bosun Something we should fix as well.
Sayyida agreed
Pirate_Joe I was already planning on doing some work on the bylaws when I returned from vacation
Bosun May I talk corporation.
Bosun ?
Sayyida Pirate_Joe, excellent I will join you on that
Sayyida yes Bosun
Sayyida I want to keep this meeting as short as possible for Pirate_Joe
Sayyida hes on vacation and should not be here long
Pirate_Joe Ty Sayyisa
Sayyida Bosun, what do you have
Bosun I registered us as a cooperative association with DC. When we get the paperwork back I will get the EIN.
OGPAF hooray
Sayyida yay
Sayyida Bosun, and I are going to DC, we should pay the lawyer a vist while we are there
Pirate_Joe As soon as we have the EIN I’ll set up the banking
Sayyida anything else gentlemen?
Sayyida Pirate_Joe, good
Bosun US Pirate Cooperative Association
Sayyida excellent name
Sayyida so we are a co-op
Pirate_Joe I will also fund raise at a party for pirates on August 24th
Pirate_Joe My backyard, lots of rum
Bosun 1 member for each state, DC, and the territories – all equal.
Sayyida so each gets a vote as long as they are active correct?
Bosun So 1 member 1 vote – equal shares – just like pirate crews.
Sayyida excellent
Pirate_Joe Well, does that include the council?
Bosun 2 current members – WIPP and MAPP
Pirate_Joe I see, perfect.
Sayyida Pirate_Joe, glad you like it
Bosun Effectively is is the council’s legal entity.
Sayyida we are at half time
Pirate_Joe That is all I have today.
Sayyida same.
Sayyida Bosun, ?
Pirate_Joe Motion to adjourn?
Sayyida second
Sayyida vote?
Pirate_Joe All in favor?
Pirate_Joe Aye
Sayyida aye!