The US Pirate Party will start its annual meeting on the weekend of May 22nd. It ends with the election of our officers on Sunday, June 6th. Besides electing officers, the annual meeting is an opportunity for supporters to share ideas and to build understanding and camaraderie among supporters.
Officer nominations are due two weeks prior to the election, which should be Sunday, May 23rd. We will publish the list of candidates on Monday, May 24th. Supporters may ask questions of candidates during the two weeks prior to the election. Candidates are expected to answer supporter questions as best they can.
The officer positions are:
- The Captain or Chair, who shall manage all administration and operations of the PNC, act as the chairperson and primary spokesperson of the party, and facilitate PNC meetings.
- The First Officer or Vice-Chair, who shall assist the Captain in managing the administration and operations of the PNC, and act as secondary spokesperson of the party. The First Officer will conduct business on behalf of the Captain or the Quartermaster in the event that either is absent or incapacitated.
- The Quartermaster or Treasurer, who shall manage all accounts of funds and the recording and reporting those funds to members, governmental campaign finance agencies and the general public.
- The Scribe or Secretary, who shall keep records of the minutes and logs for meetings, tally votes, and maintain a database of the members who compose the PNC as set forth in Art. III §1.
- The Lookout or State Moderator, who shall ensure that disputes between states have an impartial party who will help produce a resolution. This person will also work with each state party to develop and enforce a Pirate Code of Conduct.
- The Beancounter or Auditor, who shall ensure that national party funds, or such funds disbursed to state parties, were used appropriately.
- The Swarmcare Manager, who shall welcome new activists and state parties into the swarm and continually measure the overall health of it. A typical task would be to call new activists just to make them feel welcome, and tell them when the next events — social as well as operational — take place.
- The Webadmin or Director of the On-line, who shall coordinate volunteers to maintain the on-line infrastructure of the party, such as its websites, blogs and wikis.
If you would like to be considered as a candidate for any of these offices, please email us at
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