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ICYMI: Pirate Week and California Pirate Party protest

The United States Pirate Party will be hosting Pirate Week, a week of Pirate praxis and celebration, will be September 15th-September 21st.

The events will be as followed:

  • Sunday Sept 15 – livestreamed Pirate National Committee meeting, kicking off Pirate Week
  • Monday Sept 16 – Camera Walk
  • Tuesday Sept 17 – Camera Walk
  • Wednesday Sept 18 – Camera Walk
  • Thursday Sept 19 – Talk like a Pirate Day livestream, a celebration of Piracy with guests Marcus Rediker, Pirate Party members from across the world, and more TBA
  • Friday Sept 20 – Livestream with Vermin Supreme
  • Saturday Sept 21 – Livestream of a movie from the public domain (TBD), as well as a celebration of Free Software Day

The Camera Walks will be held in various cities across the United States, with times and locations to be announced on a later date. Anyone interested in hosting a Camera Walk in your area over the three days may reach out to us via email.

The following was copied from a press release published by the California Pirate Party:

 SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The California Pirate Party, led by representative Darren McKeeman, is ramping up efforts to find qualified candidates to run for office across the state while simultaneously organizing a protest against Reboot 2024, a right-wing conference taking place at Fort Mason on September 4th and 5th. Supported by The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, the Catholic University of America, and the Foundation for American Innovation, this event seeks to implement conservative policies in San Francisco, disguised as “moderate” policies.

Garry Tan, a high-profile tech investor and political actor, is among the conference’s speakers. Tan and his tech elite allies have pledged up to $15 million in local political races to support candidates promoting an agenda centered around increased police funding, reversing criminal justice reforms, and reintroducing the failed “war on drugs.” The California Pirate Party warns that this agenda directly threatens the city’s progressive values.

“These tech billionaires are not looking out for San Francisco’s most vulnerable citizens,” said McKeeman. “Their so-called ‘moderate’ platform is a thinly veiled right-wing attack on our community. They’re advancing authoritarian policies while claiming to solve homelessness and crime, but their solutions are rooted in punishment, not progress.”

The California Pirate Party is also actively recruiting passionate, forward-thinking candidates to run for local offices across California. The Party believes that real change comes from the ground up, urging community members to step up and take action. “We need leaders who prioritize the people, not corporate interests,” McKeeman said. “We’re looking for candidates who are ready to challenge the status quo, fight for true justice, and represent the voices of everyday Californians.”

Reboot 2024, backed by major right-wing donors, includes opposition to harm reduction strategies that have saved lives in San Francisco, including overdose prevention programs. Last year, 806 people died of overdoses in the city, and the proposed policies could worsen this crisis. The Pirate Party’s protest aims to highlight these dangers while calling for innovative, humane solutions.

McKeeman also invites the public to join the protest and meet Vermin Supreme, the renowned satirical political activist, who will be appearing at the Fort Mason gates both days.

“We’re not just protesting,” added McKeeman. “We’re building a movement. We are actively seeking candidates across California who want to protect their communities from the encroachment of corporate-backed political agendas. If you’re passionate, qualified, and ready to make a difference, we want to hear from you.”

 What: Protest of Reboot 2024 Conference
 When: September 4-5, 2024
 Where: Fort Mason, San Francisco – Meet at the sculpture at the Fort Mason gates
 Speakers/Guests: Darren McKeeman of the California Pirate Party, Vermin Supreme, and other local advocates

For more information, or to inquire about running for office under the California Pirate Party, please contact:
Darren McKeeman
Representative, California Pirate Party

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